Wrong Supply Address

1 Reply 4005 Views

My address is Unit3/1 W... St. The NMI number and meter number of my electricity meter has the wrong supply address of Unit1/1 W... St. The electricity meter of Unit1/1 W... St has the wrong supply address of Unit3/1 W... St (my address). When the electricity meters were installed, they made a mistake to install wrong meters or meters boxes to wrong addresses.  After a phone call with AGL, now they have linked the correct meter to my electricity account, but the supply address is still wrong Unit1/1 W... St. Does anyone know how to correct this error with the Australia National database? Thank you.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 3998 Views

Hi @Round5293, Welcome!

If you're looking to update a supply address in the national database, then we will need to see a council rates notice or Tenancy agreement with the correct address on it. Once you have one get in touch with us here and one of our agents can help get that sent to your distributor to update their end. 


2 Replies 3992 Views

Hi MARK, Thank you for your answer.

Accurately, I am not looking to update a supply address in the national database. I am looking to correct the wrong NMI number and meter number of my supply address in the national database. What should I do? (Someone made a mistake when the electricity meter boards are installed. The electricity meter boards and meters are all installed to wrong addresses.The NMI number and meter number don't match up with the addresses they should be. This makes the meter I am using now is not register to my address.) 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3946 Views

@Round5293  Ah, I see. Even with that in mind, the rates notice is probably your best bet. If you haven't yet, confirm your physical meter number so that we can ensure you've been connected to the right meter, and then we can use your rates notice to update that meter and NMI's label in the database to be correct, which would fix your issue.


1 Reply 564 Views

Hi there, 


I’m currently experiencing a similar issue, wondering how/if you got your issue sorted? 

Many thanks,


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 529 Views

Hello @noelectricity


Thank you for taking the time to reach out. 


If you are simply just needing to update your supply address and have confirmed your meter number, you'll just need to provide a copy of a rates notice and well get in touch with your distributor on your behalf to have this updated accordingly. I'll send you a private message so that we can further assist you. 


Kind Regards, 
