Text from Plus ES Meter modem change due to 3G being withdrawn

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Hi, has anyone else received a text message from Plus ES stating they need to enter your property to change your meters modem. The reason given is being withdrawn in favour of 4G. Just wanted to check as there has been no correspondence from AGL and worried about scam texts.

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 2553 Views

Hi @Anne_H, PLUS ES are your meter data provider, so they are responsible with maintaining and upgrading the meters and are communicating directly with customers just to let people know they'll be around. While I agree it would help to have an AGL notification as well, these upgrades are arranged independently of us, so that's why you haven't received anything.


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Amusingly, I received this SMS while in the middle of a presentation by the Australian Cyber Security Centre on how to identify suspicious messages and have now found this thread while trying to find out who PLUS ES is.

For those trying to avoid clicking links on unknown SMSes - it goes to https://hubxchange.pluses.com.au/customer/s/3g4gletter.  I'll put the full text of that page and the SMS further down in this reply, so that a future web search by someone trying to figure out if this is real will produce a meaningful result on the official agl.com.au URL. [ie what AGL should have done]


@_Mark_ wrote:

Hi @Anne_H, PLUS ES are your meter data provider, so they are responsible with maintaining and upgrading the meters and are communicating directly with customers just to let people know they'll be around. While I agree it would help to have an AGL notification as well, these upgrades are arranged independently of us, so that's why you haven't received anything.


PLUS ES began their SMS with "It's PLUS ES on behalf of AGL", so it's a bit disingenous to state that they are operating independently.  AGL could require them to co-ordinate with you so that these notifications are sent as AGL instead of an unknown third party.  You have chosen not to do that, and thereby increase the risk of your customers being hacked by someone imitating these SMSes.

Australian large business have shown an incredible lack of seriousness around cybersecurity and customer privacy over the last 12 months.  This process and the reaction here does not give much confidence that AGL is capable of securing our personal data.


The SMS content from 0439935397:


It's PLUS ES on behalf of AGL

We will be attending your property at [my address] over the next 4 weeks to replace your electricity meter
modem due to the withdrawal of 3G mobile services across Australia in favour of 4G. There will be
no cost to you and your supply will not be affected. You will receive another message closer to the
scheduled date of attendance.

Please ensure that there is clear safe access to your meter.

If there is no clear or safe access, please let us know by responding to this SMS.

More information on the change can be found on the following link https://bit.ly/3GqlRst

Thanks. PLUS ES


The content of the landing page:






Dear Customer,

As nominated by your Energy Retailer, PLUS ES is the current provider of your electricity meter. Today, we are visiting to upgrade your electricity meter's 3G hardware and antenna with new 4G hardware.

To provide you with more information about this work, we have listed below some frequently asked questions and answers.


Why is a PLUS ES representative here today?

Your electricity meter is remotely read via the 3G mobile communications network, which will be shut down by 2024. As a result, PLUS ES is required to replace the 3G hardware and antenna in your electricity meter with 4G compatible hardware and antenna to ensure your Energy Retailer has access to your energy consumption information.
For further information about the shutdown of the 3G network, please visit the following website:

Who is PLUS ES?

PLUS ES is an accredited metering service provider and is an Australian owned company (formerly known as ActiveStream and Testing & Certification Australia). We install and maintain electricity meters and provide energy data on behalf of your Energy Retailer.
PLUS ES provides these services to all Energy Retailers across Australia.
You can find more information here:

Is my Energy Retailer aware that you are carrying out this work?

Yes, PLUS ES has worked closely with all Energy Retailers regarding this program as the work is critical to be completed so that Energy Retailers can provide accurate and timely billing for their customers.

Will I need to pay for this work?

No, the work is completed free of charge and is part of the service PLUS ES provides to Energy Retailer's and their customers. You will not be charged for this work.

Will there be an interruption to my electricity supply while the work is completed?

No, your power supply won't be interrupted. The work can be completed safely without interrupting your power.

Do I need to be at home or stay home when you will do this upgrade?

No, you don't need to be home. We just need clear access to your electricity meter.

How long will it take for this work to be completed?

We expect the work will take no longer than 15-20-minutes to complete, provided we have clear access to the meter.

If you require any additional information, please contact PLUS ES on 1300 760 626 or email us at info@pluses.com.au




Nural Omer

Head of Business Architecture and PMO

24-28 Campbell Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA | 1300 760 626 | info@pluES.com.au | plusES.com.au

For Official use only



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Hi, we only have gas & electricity with SGL. Our internet is with Optus, so I don’t understand what this email is about. What does changing a Modem at a meter box have to do with gas and electricity. What does changing 3G to 4G got to do with gas and electricity. Is this a scam?