Smart gas meter - no reading

1 Reply 2198 Views

I'm trying to enter a meter read for my gas in my online account but it won't let me do so, saying "Smart meter read taken automatically".


Problem is, there's never been any usage data shown since I started with AGL almost 3 months ago. Also, I checked my meter and it looks analogue so not even sure if it's a smart meter?

AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 2168 Views

Hi @nujtnag,


Are you certain it's the right meter? Perhaps you could post a photo of it to help confirm.

It's certainly odd that you wouldn't have access to any usage data if it is indeed a smart meter. 

1 Reply 2166 Views

Hi David,

It's definitely the right meter. Just don't think it's a smart meter?


AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 2162 Views

You're right, it's not a smart meter and you should be able to submit your own meter read from your app. This might be a result of a technical issue with the AGL app. If you'd like me to pass it along to the tech team, shoot me a private message (click my name) with your account number, and I'll have them investigate.