Reading E355 meter

3 Replies 32201 Views

Just over a week ago a Landis & Gyr E355 smart meter was installed. I asked the installer for a manual for it, he didn't have one and said to contact my supplier. I asked him how to read it, he didn't know and said to contact my supplier! I asked him how the boost worked, he didn't know and said to contact my supplier!! I came to this site looking for a contact email address but there isn't one. So, I lodged a complaint with the complaint function on this site, I complained about the lack of an email address and asked for the manual for the meter. I have heard nothing since.

The reason I want an email address, and didn't phone, is because I want a paper trail for the inevitable problems, something consumer bodies advise doing. I guess my next step is to lodge a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman.


Poor service? I guess you could say that.

1 Reply 4336 Views


No you have not offended me.

You are a person that does not tells truths.

I can tell you that you cannot download a MANUAL from many makers of Smart Meters.

There are no user replaceable parts in any meter.

To interfere with any Electrical meter is an offence.

You have not added to this Posting in any way.

Your quote

"While I appreciate your taking the time to explain how to interpret the meter from my bill I already know how to do that"

It is not in the spirit of this post which is "READING E355 METER"


You were no help here.

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 4329 Views

Wow, now I'm being called a liar! 🤣

What has "user replaceable parts" got to do with this?🤔 A User's Manual is just that, simply something to explain how to use something, it is not intended as a service manual. I can download a service manual for a Ricoh colour copier (over 1000 pages) and yet I can't find a simple users manual for an electricity meter! Your claim to have found the information for the meter online (when no-one else can), but then declining to say where, is....interesting.

As for my not adding to the posting, a strange thing to say given that I started this thread precisely because I'm hoping that others can add something useful as, like many others, it seems, I was getting nowhere. 

Me "Not being any help"? 🤣🤣🤣 Obviously, that's why I posted in the first place, I'm the one looking for help.

I see the view count continues to rise, it seems to be a popular subject.😁


Anyhow, enough idle chit-chat, back to the issue at hand. The Boost button on my meter doesn't actually do anything boost-wise (no relay click after 3 seconds) so I decided to report it as faulty. Can't do it via the website, have to ring up. I spent an interesting 1 hour on the phone to AGL. I eventually got onto a nice woman in the Resolutions Centre, and after explaining (again) what the problem was (she was surprised that I hadn't been left any documentation) she started searching for information on the meter, found a folder for the E355 but all it had was a photo of the meter, nothing else! She was expecting a copy of the manual to be there. Once she saw a photo of the meter she commented that she had had a few calls about this particular model. After a bit of discussion she called Intellihub, fully expecting to be fobbed off, but spoke to a chap who tried to help. It seems they actually have a copy of the manual, but all he could say was "press the green button for 3 seconds", I told her I've already done that and nothing happens.

She said she would lodge a Meter Investigation Order with Intellihub and someone would come out to have a look at it, at this point we agreed that I would talk to a manager in the Resolution Centre as I said that if they couldn't supply a manual I would request a replacement meter (that comes with a manual) and escalate it to the Energy Ombudsman if necessary. 

This meter is a bit of a puzzle, why is there no mention at all of it on Landis and Gyr's websites and yet it is still being installed?


1 Reply 4246 Views

The tech came today and said "you've got no hot water?". I said that's not the problem, the boost button doesn't work. Of course, when he tried it it worked!! He said you have to wait approx. 24 hours after installation for the meter to work properly so I told him it hadn't worked since installation (2 weeks?), and I had tried it again (unsuccessfully) just before reporting a fault. It seems this is a programmable function so it's pretty obvious to me that someone enabled it once I logged the fault but didn't bother telling me. Anyway, I then got stuck into him over the lack of manual/instructions to read this thing. He said there aren't ANY manuals for these meters and for any information to contact the retailer (AGL). I told him I did and they didn't have any information on this meter!! I don't think he was very happy with me (understandable) but I wasn't a happy customer, far from it in fact. Eventually he contacted his tech support people and they told him the basic menu functions. There are also various other readings available under the ALT1 and ALT2 menus, some are line functions - voltage, amps etc - but others I have no idea about, and neither did he.

To enable boost, hold the button for 3 seconds until it clicks, to turn it off hold for approx. 10 secs until it clicks again. I read somewhere that it was a timed circuit and you couldn't turn it off once it was on, just another example of the lack of information (and mis-information) available for these meters.

01 = time (pity mine is running 1/2 hr slow!! They must have their own peculiar Time Zone.

02 = date

03 = total kw imported (coming into the house)

04 = total kw exported (solar)

15 = imported element #1

16 = exported element #1

21 = imported element #2

22 = exported element #2

Element #1 = general + solar

Element #2 = J tariff

I asked if it displays the J tariff times but he said no, that is set by the retailer (except AGL said it's set by the supplier, Power Networks.) So I'm still being given the runaround. I would have thought that information had to be in the meter, so I'm still no wiser about that function.

I feel like I'm wading through thick mud over this, it shouldn't be this hard to get basic information - like when is my meter programmed to switch on J tariff? It's hardly a matter of National Security, for Pete's sake!!!!!

1 Reply 4242 Views

The clock is not running half an hour slow.

The time shown on the the clock is the Eastern time.

And now you have mentioned that you are in SA.

You can create a login onto SA Power Networks and see and download your data from SAPN.

The data is available for Yesterday not the 'up to three days' from AGL.


The file is supplied in the industry standard NEM format file, you can look up the format for that easily.

It is very easy to extract the data using a spread sheet.


You may also find that your data is being sent in 5min reads rather that 30min reads which will not match your calculations if you are using the 30min reads supplied in the data file from AGL.


Now as to who sets the Times, I believe it is the Supplier that sets times as they know the demand times based on their network.


You can confirm this by looking at offers from the various Retailers in SA.


Anyway time for me to pack up and move from  this caravan site.

Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 4232 Views

The time doesn't make any sense. If it was Eastern Daylight Saving Time it would be 1/2 hour ahead of our time, not 1/2 hour behind. I agree that it is SAPN who are responsible for the programming of the meter and the fact that they can't get the time correct doesn't say much for their systems. Neil, thank you for pointing out that my data is available from SAPN, it still took a while to find it on their website and I wouldn't have found it otherwise. Unfortunately it doesn't help much as I still don't know what times are programmed into the meter.


The tech told me that the meter belongs to Intellihub but once installed it is effectively leased to AGL, who take all responsibility for it. AGL are therefore responsible for any questions/problems that arise with it. Contrary to what some from AGL appear to believe THEY are the ones who should provide customer information, if requested, on how to read the meter. Their inability to do so speaks volumes about their "customer service". I should NOT have had to initiate a callout, wasting the tech's time, to obtain this (incomplete) information.

The 355 meter, by the way, is the only one being installed (except for two other types that are only used in very specific circumstances) so there's no point trying to get a different meter. I'm still perplexed that it's not listed on L & G's website.

The saga continues........

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 4225 Views

Hi @RichardP


Thank you for reaching out. I just need to clarify, were you after Controlled Load current times on your meter or something else? 


Kind Regards,


1 Reply 4220 Views

Olgi, I am trying to find out what all the available menus mean, i.e how to read all the displays that can be selected. I also want to know what times are set for switching on the J tariff. When I contacted your Resolution Centre they couldn't tell me. I have contacted SAPN, who apparently are responsible for programming the meters but am still awaiting a reply. I thought dealing with NBN issues was bad (I had to get the Ombudsman involved) but this is proving to be just as frustrating - and judging by other comments I've read, both here and on the 'net, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

1 Reply 4211 Views

Why don't you look at your AGL Account via the app or the web.

The times and costs are clearly detailed in your energy plan.

If you use the information I gave you in my last post you will be able to see when your Off peak meter start time is anyway.


Cheers Neil

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1 Reply 4181 Views

Just received a very short reply from SAPN, she said they don't install or maintain the meters and to contact my retailer!!!!!!!!!!!!That wasn't what I asked them!!!!! Another so-called Customer Service dept that doesn't have a clue! Hello Olgi?

I'm going in circles and getting nowhere, looks like it's time to lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman and the Energy Regulator, surely one of them will be able to find out something.

1 Reply 4178 Views

A further response from SAPN said they DO NOT programme the meters, which means it must be AGL, who told me SAPN set the times. SAPN suggested I contact the Ombudsman, looks like that's my only hope of finding out who does what. At least I can tell them I tried (several times).