Doing my own meter reads

2 Replies 85265 Views

Can I confirm that AGL is no longer going to read a the gas meter and if a CUSTOMER wants an actual reading for their account they have to do this job (your job) and submit it otherwise AGL will simply do am estimate reading when sending an account

0 Replies 7658 Views

Exactly, they have got cars, we pay for, a $10 fee discounted off my bill would be a fair service

1 Reply 7658 Views

absolute rubbish AGL i just received a notification to read my meter

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 7598 Views

Hi @jimmac , have a read through the earlier responses on this discussion - they should shed some light. Some key points to keep in mind:


  1. AGL doesn't read your meter. Your local distributor reads it, and sends the reads to AGL.
  2. You don't have to provide a meter read if you don't want to. This means you might sometimes receive estimated bills, but these are later amended to the actual read, so you're always paying for your actual usage.
  3. You have the option to send us a meter read if you never want to receive estimated bills. That's why we send reminder notifications to read your meter.
1 Reply 7595 Views

What happens if an estimated read occurs several times in a row? When would AGL follow this up with the Distributor to find out what the problem is?


Jeremy Wood 

0 Replies 7541 Views

I am billed monthly as I like to be, but will I have someone come and read the meter every 3 months as I am a bit to old to be doing that. Thank you  

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 7522 Views

@JSW  - if you see estimated meter reads several times in a row, I'd recommend getting in touch with customer service so they can investigate the cause for you.

@SueGooden - don't worry, you never need to do your own meter read if you don't wish to.