Digital Meter Upgrade

7 Replies 113979 Views

My premises current have an "Anytime" and a "Controlled Load" meter.
I have been advised of an upcoming digital meter upgrade with a possible tariff change.
My questions are:
1) Will there be 2 digital meters or 1 combined meter?
2) Will Controlled Load be measured separately?
3) What is the likely change of tariff, bearing in mind that tariffs are already expected to change on August 1?

0 Replies 11525 Views
1 Reply 11341 Views

Currently peak and off-peak supplies are listed on the account, but what does 'shoulder' cost cover.

0 Replies 11326 Views

Hi Keith,


Though the specific plan may vary from this, generally speaking, the 'Shoulder' period applies between 7am-3pm and 9pm-10pm Monday-Friday, and also between 7am-10pm on weekends. It's the period that is not peak, and is not off-peak.


Hope this offers some assistance to you 🙂

1 Reply 11313 Views

Have just received my 2nd quarterly bill since the digital meter changeover.

Billing continues to be a nightmare.

Tariff changes, loss of discounts without prior notification, pricing changes mid-cycle all contribute to a bill which needs a university graduate to decipher.

Good luck to anyone wishing to pursue a similar changeover.

0 Replies 11310 Views

All My charges went up when the new meter was installed. 

2 Replies 11309 Views

Recently we had a E355 installed.  I have asked AGL multiple times for a guide / instructions for the meter for the various codes and they can't/ don't supply. Have you? Codes 1&2 is easy being time and date. Next codes look to be my usage general,  controlled,  solar. 

0 Replies 11304 Views

Hi Kat-Kilp,


The numbers that display are fairly common between brands. I don't have the information handy (I've just dropped off the kids), but when I get home I'll take a look for you.


Typically one of the lot of the numbers refers to the first phase, then second phase, then third, then controlled loads, etc. It'll depend how many phases you have connected, and which controlled load type you have set up.

0 Replies 11300 Views
Here are the codes for my E355...

01 Eastern Standard Time (ignores Daylight Saving)
02 Date
03 Total Usage
04 Always Zero
15 Anytime Usage
16 Always Zero
21 Controlled Load Usage
22 Always Zero

Played around with the green button but haven't quite worked it out yet.
As you mentioned, it would be a lot easier if some form of User Guide
was supplied.
Even the Landis+Gyr website doesn't provide anything useful.
2 Replies 10994 Views

I have been notified that my meter will be exchanged in April 23 to a Digital meter. I have Solar and I average about 25 -30 kw input per day which i get reimbursed at .44c per kw will i still receive this return on my in feed  after the instellation ? What are the timings of the Time of Use brackets eg: PEAK, OFF PEAK, SHOULDER. ?


0 Replies 10991 Views