1 Reply 14851 Views

I've just contacted your digital metering team to request the install of a digital smart meter at the rental property I've just moved into.  I was told that, while the installation of the meter would be free of charge, I'd have to get an electrician to do some work prior to the install and this would be at my own expense.  Why are AGL putting hurdles in the way of smart meter installations when it's proven the world over that they reduce costs and carbon footprints?  Surely as an energy company you should be conscious of these factors and be actively promoting their use.  I've been a loyal customer of yours for many years.  Perhaps it's time for a rethink!

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 14849 Views

Hi Shaolin! 


Welcome to AGL Community! 


We absolutely want to encourage everyone to have smart meters, this is the way the world is heading which is why we absorb the cost of the meter installation itself however if the existing power board is not up to standard or is possibly too small then that needs to be resolved before we can install the meter. 


Thank you 


1 Reply 14844 Views

Thanks for your reply, Ellen.  I'm not totally satisfied with it though.  How do you know anything about my existing powerboard if no one has been to look at it?  Can you tell its size and condition over the phone? It sounds to me like I'm just being fobbed off.  That's way I've decided to contact EWON to get some straight answers.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 14790 Views

Hi Shaolin, without looking at the account, I could not advise why you have been told this. I would recommend getting in touch via messenger in the AGL App or via My Account and we can review further.