Controlled load 2 usage increase

1 Reply 6245 Views

Hi there. I’m trying to work out what might be the cause of an increasing controlled load 2 usage at my home. I suspect it’s my ailing hot water system, but I don’t want to rush out and get a new one if it is not the cause. 

I’ve tried your online chat facility and they suggest an electrician as they can’t tell me what appliances are using the controlled load tariff.


Is there anyway I can tell what appliances are drawing from the controlled load tariff without a costly electrician visiting? 



AGL Moderator
0 Replies 6223 Views

Hi Charlottie17,


Hot water is the most common appliance which will be wired up to the Controlled Load Tariff.


Some customers also choose to have their pool pumps linked up to this register.


In saying that, only an electrician can tell you if there are any other appliances wired up to your Controlled Load Tariff.



