solar rebate

3 Replies 2803 Views

Can anyone please advise how i can find the amount of my solar rebate on my bill?

I am sure it will be nothing to write home about and i'm assuming its just the negligible amount that we get for all the electricity we send back through to the grid? However id like to know what the amount is each month, all my bill says is solar rebate included.

Apologies if this has already been answered but i am a bit tired of searching through AGL bills and web pages to no avail, if someone can simply point me towards the info it would be greatly appreciated.


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 2795 Views

Hi @mick4


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


The amount of solar that you export to the grid  as well as your current feed-in tariff are listed on page 2 of your bill. You can find out more about how to read your bill on our website.  If you're still having trouble finding this information, please let us know and we can look into your account and help you further.




1 Reply 2775 Views

   I had solar panels installed on my property earlier in this year. To date no credits are showing for solar rebate being earned. Can you call me rot explain what the delay is ?

0 Replies 2774 Views

(edited to remove personal information)

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It all looks very general to me, i.e. all credits rolled up into one figure and nothing separate.


Also after discussion with neighbours and other users there seems to be a fair bit of skepticism that the solar rebate we receive for generating power (for you to use) is almost worthless!

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2749 Views

Hi @Hawley. Let me send you a message so we can take a look at the account and confirm if you're getting your FIT. Thanks- Mark.