Billing problem with modem, Prime offer, unable to make voice call

1 Reply 4358 Views

I recently migrated my Internet and mobile over to AGL, at the time I did this it was constantly mentioned that by doing this I now qualified for the Prime membership offer.   I did the entire migration online, mostly because I'm unable to do voice calls etc, I use my mobile only for sending/receiving text messages and I communicate via typed messages only.   I do not own a TTY, instead I use either my mobile or laptop to communicate via typed message whenever I need to.

I signed up to AGL Telco on 1st November, and have been trying to get two things achieved.   Firstly and most importantly I'd like to pay for my modem, but apparently there is a problem with billing me for it.   Secondly I've yet to receive the promo code for the promised Amazon Prime membership.   Now I've been trying to rectify both problems by messaging AGL through their app and on my computer but each time after over an hour of messaging I'm told I must PHONE the number.  I tell the person I'm 'chatting' with that I cannot make a voice call only to be told that he/she cannot help me unless I do!   As I live only with my service dog, and the only time I'm with others who can help me is after midnight, long after AGL closes for the night, there is no one I know or trust who can contact them by phone!   

So I now come to my can I get the problems I have with my account both addressed and fixed without having to make a voice call?  Why was it possible for me to manage my electricity/gas accounts with AGL for many years without needing to find someone to make phone calls for me, but since migrating my internet/mobile to AGL, I've been told constantly that I have to PHONE for problems to be rectified?   

I've been a very happy AGL Gas and Electricity customer for well over 20 years which is why I decided to take my internet and mobile to them as well....but I'm fast regretting my decision to do that.   

AGL Community Manager
2 Replies 4350 Views

Hi @Margaret8 ,


Sorry to hear you've had trouble resolving these issues. At the bottom of  our Contact Us page, under "More ways to get support" you'll find phone options for impaired customers, such as TTY and interpreter services. These might be of assistance if you do need to get in touch via phone.

1 Reply 4348 Views

Thank you David, yes I've seen the link and attempted to use it but I don't have a TTY, I use my computer or text messages to communicate.   Why can't the promo code be emailed to me?   Why do I need to phone up to get it?  I signed up without having to phone anyone, so why do I need to phone in order to collect the promised promo code?

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 4341 Views

@Margaret8 I'm not in customer service myself and unfortunately have no idea why a voice phone call would be the only way to resolve these issues. I'll make some inquiries to see if there's any other options available.

1 Reply 4331 Views

Thank you for pointing out the service available to those who are hearing impaired, I've tried to use the service however I do not own a TTY, nor do I have a landline service, I use my computer and the internet to communicate via typed message but your system seems only to recognize a TTY on the landline.   In any case I don't see why, since I signed up and activated my service with AGL Telco entirely online I need to make a phone call in order to get charged so that I can pay for my modem and get the promised Amazon Prime subscription that YOU offered to me when I added internet/mobile to my AGL account.   

I'd also like to be able to pay for my Internet/mobile via Centrepay just as I do my gas/electricity, but it seems that I cannot do this, your Telco section does not allow Centrepay payments which makes it hard for those of us reliant on a Centrelink Aged Pension.   Hopefully that too will be rectified soon and it will be possible to pay for all of our AGL services via Centrepay.   

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 4323 Views

Hi @Margaret8 , it sounds like using the National Relay Service might be a good option for you to resolve your issues over the phone. You won't need a TTY to use this service.

Separately though, I'd like to look into why the Messaging / chat team wasn't actually able to resolve your queries over text, because as you say it seems this should have been possible. I'd like to review this and rectify it if possible. Could you please send me a private message (click my name) with your Account number, and I'll have the records of your Messaging conversation reviewed to see if we can improve the support that team is providing.