how do i get the data /medical confirmation form back to agl, total lack of info on where to return

1 Reply 2357 Views

re life support equipment registration

why is there a time limit on submission time

why is there a information on where to return it to

as agl do not control the distribution system in south-queensland and energex does why do they need to know energex already have my details

have energex shyacked on their responsibility AGAIN

just give me a return path so i can supply such and not a noreply email address as someone already has

i cant understand the gobble-degook of your helpless desk who cant give me answers

a simple request please help understand this stupidity

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2325 Views

Hi keithtutorit,


Thanks for being part of the AGL Community.


You can return your life support documents via email to It is important that both your retailer and the distributor have these documents, as there are some circumstances in which your retailer may need to raise a disconnection. This is for the protection of the power supply at the premise, so it's important we get these in a timely manor, resulting in the need for a time frame for them to be returned. If you have any further questions regarding the forms, please feel free to reach out to us here.


Kind Regards,
