Power hill way too high

2 Replies 521 Views

Hello. Just want to know my power bill is so high. I last checked it 7 days ago and it was at $468 and now it is already at $550 in under a week.

we do not even use much power here.


I want an explanation or I’m cutting off from AGL

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@Bostynw what are you looking at to see that estimate ?

A lot depends on your metering type.


If you have an older analogue meter, they estimate only on past usage, and even then the estimates can be on the high side.

I have an analogue meter at my workshop, and that is all over the place on estimates being usually a lot higher than they really are . . . so I just send in a meter read every now and then, and the figure shown is then very close, bearing in mind the graph estimate is just that, but pretty close.

It includes supply charge and gst.


If you have a digital meter, and you get an amount including supply charge and gst on the overview window, and this should be very accurate, with your data uploaded from the power supplier to the retailer (AGL) and then they update your info automatically daily . . . usually 24hrs behind as of late afternoon each day when the data comes through.


If you do have a digital meter, you might be on single tariff, or TOU (time of use) tariff, and TOU is very penalising on working families, when people are home using most power early mornings and from mid afternoon to midnight, THAT makes bills very high due to being charged at the peak tariff rate.


If it turns out your bills ARE that excessive, you should get your last (or next) bill, and maybe some older ones, and have a good comparison of the usage amounts, and the tariff rates aplied, it'll be easy to see where they stand out,  see if anything has gone up exponentially.

You can investigate more then, check other plans / retailers if needed, and make a change within AGL, or outside.

But be wary, a lot of people change power cos, and regret it next bill, there are not a lot of differences between them !!

AGL Moderator
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Hi Bostynw, It would be good to understand the kind of meter at your property and to review the usage on your AGL app. I will send you a private message shortly to discuss further. Cheers, Deepesh