Moving Home - On Line System Fault

1 Reply 1785 Views

I have logged into my AGL account and unsuccesfully attempted to set up a house move.

I can select the date of the move, provide the new address and also the energy plan required at the new address.

When I arrive at the personal details section it asks If I have a concession card.  I do and am currently receiving a concession on both my elecricity and gas accounts.

I resond that "Yes" I do have a concession card.  I am then asked to enter the card details, which I do.

The system then provides the error message "this card already exists in the system.  I know it does - it's my concession card and AGL have all of the details.  I can not progress the applcation.  I presume this would be the same for any other AGL customer with a concession card who wishes to arrange their move via their on-line account.  I had to arrange the move over the phone with the customer support person not appearing to realise that I was complaining about the fault in the system. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 1774 Views

Hi @GJSimmo


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


Thanks for getting in touch and letting us know about what has occurred. We're sorry to hear that the process has been difficult. 


Has this now been organised for you over the phone, or do you require further help to organise your accounts?


Kind Regards,


1 Reply 1769 Views

Thankyou.  Yes, I have completed the process over the telephone.  My main concern is that, as a concession card holder, I was unable to complete the process through my on-line AGL account.  There are a number of advertisments where AGL offer up to $100 in electricity/gas credits if your house move is booked on-line.  It would appear that, as a concession card holder, this is not possible.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1765 Views

Hi @GJSimmo,


Let me look into this for you. I'll send you a private message to grab your account details from you.


