Contact from Essential Energy during Planned (Joke) Outages

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I wish Essential Energy to Contact me with Emailinstead of SMS a month before they reckon they are having a planned outage (they don't even update their map of outages . They are a joke. I have Aged Care Assistance and had to Cancel, Todays Mon 8 July 24 Domestic Cleaning Visit at the last minute as they ditched my power from 9 to 3, I don't believed they haf SMS me as I always update Callender in my Outlook for any future events. Rant over

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Hi @michael48


Thank you for reaching out. 


I am sorry to hear about your frustrating experience with receiving notifications from Essential Energy around planned outages. From time to time, Essential Energy will need to work on the distribution network to ensure the delivery of essential services to your premises. If a planned interruption is scheduled in your area, Essential Energy will notify you by any appropriate means, of the interruption at least four business days before the date of the interruption, not including the date of the notice. The notification will have an expected date, time and duration of the planned interruption and will include a 24-hour telephone number for enquiries.  If you have any questions in regards to planned or unplanned outages, feel free to contact Essential Energy via 132 080. 


Kind Regards, 
