2024 Government Rebate Refund

1 Reply 689 Views

It is current AGL policy not to refund a government rebate to the consumer. Can AGL advise if the two rebates (QLD and Federal)  announced for 2024/25 are to be retained by AGL or will the consumer (for whom the rebate was intended) be allowed to claim this amount if their account balance is regularly in credit due to efficient use of solar. 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 669 Views

Hi Jeffrey, thank you for reaching out.

It's not our policy to withhold refunds or rebates from our customers.

In the case of solar, you can request your credit balance to be refunded at any time, or to have it periodically refunded on a quarterly or annual basis, in the case of a government rebate that puts you into credit, you just need to get in touch with us to request the one time refund, or can leave it to accrue like the solar balance.



2 Replies 667 Views

Thankyou, Xander, for your reply. This was not my experience two months ago when my request for a refund was denied on 3 occasions as it included the government cost of living rebate. I will wait and see what happens in July. 

Regards, Jeff


0 Replies 58 Views

Hi Jeff

Ive just requested this credit be refunded and they are not being helpful. 
hope you have a better experience. 

0 Replies 42 Views

I switched providers last week and requested a refund for outstanding credit after receiving my final bill from AGL. Customer support have flatly refused multiple times. Told me I’d have to switch back to AGL to get the credit.


We will be taking it up with the energy ombudsman. Ridiculous.