Variable or fixed rate type

1 Reply 365 Views

When I first signed up with AGL back in 2019 our plan was the AGL Seniors Plus electricity with a "fixed" rate type. Over the years the plans kept changing and this year I was able to return to the plan, Special Saver, that I've had for over 12 months. But what I have noticed is that the new plan, as of 18 January 2025, is a "variable" rate type.

Can anyone please explain the difference between a "fixed" and "variable" rate type and which is the preferred rate type?

1 Reply 356 Views

@Tel851 some of the terms you use are not ones I recognise, but then various states might have different terms for plans and 'rates' or tariffs.


You might have been on what's normally called 'single' tariff, or sometimes fixed tariff, a single c/kwh charged across all hours, except if you have electric HWS, when you can opt for off peak timed lower tariff, usually in the early morning hours midnight to about 0530 / 0600 hrs.


Somehow, it's possible you've been moved onto a TOU (time of use) tariff, which has many different rates for times of day.

You need to have a digital smart meter to have this tariff, do you know if you have one ?

You most likely do have one, TOU is the only variable tariffs I know exist.


** What suits you best is not something anyone (but AGL or someone that analyses your bills) can know.

What suits one household might not suit another, usage patterns is generally the aspect you need to work through to be accurate on this.

It could even be different at various seasons though the year.


One thing I feel strongly about . . . one should not be changed from Single tariff to TOU tariff without notification, so a consumer can make an educated choice (if they have a choice !).


We changed from an old analogue meter about 13 months or so back, when we had solar put on.

We were on single rate, with timed off peak on the HWS.

As we had off peak HW on a timer, the power supplier here in SA (SAPN) put on 2 smart meters, a normal circuit with solar feed in, and a second smart meter for CL on the HWS.


We knew no better, the solar company or AGL not consulting us at ALL, or mentioning we should talk to AGL about the plan and options for HWS (put onto normal circuit with timed solar), or tariffs.

We were put onto TOU for BOTH meters, not too bad as TOU does suit us, but the 2nd meter CL TOU with the HWS a pain in the behind for sure to get sorted.


Now, I found out a month or two later, we COULD have stayed on single tariff if we wanted, but were not given a choice, whether that existed or not (I believe it did).

But, as said, TOU doesn't harm us too much with our solar setup.


Some places in Australia are even being forced onto peak demand tariffs . . . I won't go into this for now, as it is a little more complex, and hopefully you aren't in one of these locations.


You will probably have to discuss this with an AGL rep, who has access to your account info, plan / rates etc.


Good luck sorting it out, and hopefully if you were moved without notification to some plan / tariff that is not good for your home's power usage, you can get it reversed or onto the best plan for you.

0 Replies 353 Views
Thanks Lester, I very much appreciate your input.