Re: A GHOST was living in my parents vacant house using the electricity!!

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WOW has anyone heard of a ghost living in a vacant house that no one occupies and racking up big AGL energy bills??  Perhaps a ghost is adding to your electricity bills??

Sadly my mum had to go into a nursing home 21 may dad went there the year before. So no one was in her house since May 21 to use any electricity we turned off the water heater but we could not read the meter as it was a smart meter so only AGL can read it with their own electronic gadget. We were unsure at that stage if mum would ever get well enough to come home which as it turned out she wasn't able to. We were shocked when an AGL electricity bill arrived for mums house early Aug for over $400.!!...That's only for April and up until 21 May when she went into the nursing home  Mum wasn't at home for June nor July.!!!  She rarely put on her heating cooked nothing as we were delivering her meals only showered every second day.....The bill showed the same usage for April may june and July! Now on 17 august the house was sold and we have had the power disconnected AGL were quick to send mum a bill for the 17 days of august...$45...!!!!  all l can say its a rip off..unless there is a ghost lurking around!!!! Then the new owner had better look out!!

AGL Community Manager
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Sounds spooky, @Gem1 . I've never heard of a ghost using electricity, but I do know there are a ton of different reasons why usage or a bill can be higher than you expected.


So who you gonna call? I'd suggest probably Customer Service before you try the Ghostbusters. They should be able to provide some insight into the usage, especially if you have a smart meter.


If you want to investigate things yourself first, there's also a list of things to check for here: