Queensland missing my bill

1 Reply 3129 Views

I pay quarterly and haven't had a bill since March,  It seems my bill is a month or so late.  I know this is strange someone asking to pay money but I want to make sure you dont keep this quarters bill until the September and hit me with 6 months worth of electricity at once.

All my neighbours with paper bills have got them, just us with electric bills havent got them yet.


When will you be giving us our June Quarter bill?


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3125 Views

Hi arcobelina! 

There is currently a bit of delays with bills being issued in QLD at the moment, this is due to our concessions team ensuring our customers are receiving the QLD Government Relief Rebate on their bill. This has stopped the online usage details from being updated and bills from being issued. 


This will be resolved over the next few weeks and you check your billing tab on your AGL My Account once it has been issued. 


Kind regards, 

