Minster for energy SA

1 Reply 1441 Views

 The fed gov attempts to deliver relief to the vulnerable and as of the 1st of July AGL are like cool we will take all of that corporate welfare thanks and deliver it straight to our share holders. Resulting in the vulnerable and the working poor receiving zero relief from the relief packages offered in gov budget. No social responsibility what so ever just price hikes equivalent to the relief with nonsense rationalisations. Payment plans make zero difference to the ability to pay. Plan choices what choices? They are simply the illusion of consumer choice.  Resulting in the vulnerable receiving zero relief. The minister for energy in South Australia is The Hon Tom Koutsantonis. It's time our governments wrestled back control of our energy provision the free market has made it clear it can't be  trusted with it, people before profits.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 1421 Views

Hi @Pstof


Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback. We understand that some customers who are struggling financially may not be eligible for government cost of living relief rebate. We have information on our website on what we can do to assist our vulnerable customers who are in financial hardship


Please do reach out if you need help with your account so that we can assist you further.


Kind Regards,
