In system showing my plan has 13% discount in total but actually I am getting 2% only!?

1 Reply 3976 Views

New chargesandcredits.
Usageand supply charges Unit s Price Amount
General Usage 1217.47MJ $0.0365 $44.44
Supply charge 103 days $0.69 $71.07
Other charges
Over the Counter payment fee $1.82
Total charges + $117.33
Credit s
2%Double Up Discount $0.89cr
Total credits - $0.89cr
Total new chargesand credits = $116.44
Total GST + $11.64
Total due = $128.08



My current plan Set and Forget

Energy Plan Period:12 Months
Rate Type:Variable Rate
Double Up Discount:2%
Direct Debit Discount:11%
Termination Fees:
 No early termination fee


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3972 Views

Hi winfy_lee,


Welcome to the AGL Community!


Based on the information you've provided, it sounds as though the 11% portion of your discount has indeed not been applied. There could be a number of reasons for this but our customer service will need to take a look at your account whatever the case. You can get in touch with them here.


Kind regards,

