Hours of Tariff 33 supply on Night Saver EV Plan

1 Reply 101 Views

I have recently had a Night Saver EV Plan enabled to get Tariff 33 from 12am to 6am for 8c per KWh. I understand that there should be 18hrs there abouts supply during the day with no Tariff 33 between around 4pm to 8pm. I specifically purchased a charger that has a delayed start charging so I could set it to charge past midnight. I was receiving power around lunch time yesterday though from 9pm onwards there was no power. I tried as late as 10:30 last night. 


When should the Tariff 33 be available to set the delayed charge between midnight and 6am?

1 Reply 98 Views

Great plan, we're on that too.

We simply have the EV charger on normal circuit, it appears you don't need it separate with CL type schedules here in SA, the smart meter just separates the TOU times of days, and applies the relative rates.


Maybe that's your issue ?


During a nice day we can just have it charging the sons EV free, or set (though his Tesla) to charge 0001-0559 and it all does its thing, 


Tariff 33 CL so all you have on there is the EV charger ?

And there is no power to the charger at all outside that 0000-0600 ?


Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact the charger installer and ask them too ?

They have possibly come across this before most likely, and to be honest, it's up to them to make sure that the system is installed and working, even now with possible metering changes, which should have been worked out before it was put in.

1 Reply 91 Views

Hi Lester,


I also have the HWS on T33. Yes, I only seemed to get power around lunch time yesterday.

It has been very hard to get answers out of AGL though I received an email today saying the have to commission something. Sneakily they never mentioned as part of the change to Night Saver that they have dropped my feed in price by half.

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Well, hopefully some progress being made.

Let us know when it's fixed and any info on what the cause was.

It might help others in future.