High 3 monthly Electricity AGL Bills

4 Replies 32665 Views

I am still in shock over my 3 monthly AGL Electricity Account.  I have solar panels, pay on time discount and still the account is $370.00.  I don't have children, never use heating and have very few devices on standby and only wash one a week with a very new energy efficient front loader.  I have a smart meter.  I have never had such a high account like this before.  In past years I have used my heating.

2 Replies 30575 Views

Hi Amanda,


I am assuming you have the app which goes with your inverter, if so, the first thing to investigate is to ensure that you are getting readings for the power generated by your solar panels.  You can pull this information from the app.  Then the second thing to check is your feed-in-tariff versus energy drawn from the grid.  You can use the AGL app to get this information and see about getting a detailed meter usage which shows your daily consumption and Feed-in-Tariff. You would then have the correct information as to how much kWh is being generated by your solar panel system, how much is being fed to the energy retailer (Grid), how much solar power which was generated was consumed by your house.


In summary, the key pieces of information you need:

1) What was your Feed-in-Tariff on the bill?

2) What was the kWh energy consumed on the bill? (Also known as the kWH drawn from the grid)

3) What was the total kWh energy produced by your Solar Panel for the same time period on the bill?


This should confirm what is happening in terms of Solar versus the Grid on your bill.  





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0 Replies 30557 Views

Thank you for your advice.  It would appear that the electricity provider did not provide an actual reading for this bill cycle (for my controlled load and normal electricity usage) so they provided estimated meter readings which were much higher than my normal electricity readings.  The solar readings were actual not estimated.  As a result of this my account has been put on hold and AGL will attempt to reissue my account with actual readings and not estimated readings. I am disappointed that it took 3 calls to get to the bottom of this issue as I always had issues before I had a smart meter with estimated meter readings even when I submitted my own readings always well ahead of time.  I thought that having a smart meter would alleviate these kinds of issues ....

1 Reply 22522 Views

Hi. There are two of us in house. I work full time. We have two tv. One is on can say 24 hours.  Mine is on few hours and I turn off at wall.  We never use lights.  Apart from maybe ten min at night.  Have energy efficient new fridge and oven.   That’s it. We have gas hot water.   Our quarterly bills are like 1600 dollars.    We rarely use heater. God for if if we did.  We have evaporated cooling on roof rarely used.      My son used to live with us and had every electric item you can imagine. Gaming tv 24 hours. Every gadget.  He moved out year ago and our bills are exactly the same.     Surely somethings up here.     I feel like turning it off altogether    AGL bedngreat allowing bill smoothing but somethings wrong here.   Any suggestions ? 

1 Reply 21338 Views

Try mine... up from $1400 to $2600. No explanation; nothing logical to explain the increase. They did drop the pay on time discount. Now they'll have to sue everyone for money. That was smart; not. Still doesn't explain anything. So they decided to put on a smart meter.. supposedly no cost. Electrician said don't so I cancelled it. They put it on anyway unbeknowns to me till the solar guy came to quote. There is no logical explanation for such an increase. After the smart meter went on; apparently they had made an error in our bill and decided they needed to add another $200. During March to June we run 3 coldrooms, and a pump continuously for our flowers and lights in all the polyhouses. That has got to use more power than 1 coldroom and only the pump for 12 hours instead of 24 during dec/march. We don't own air conditioning; I don't cook, I run the heater in winter. The hot water is only in use for two people and has solar which we rarely if ever turn on the booster. Solar system on the roof for power aswell. The sun was almost non-stop drought conditions and long days through the summer; autumn cloudy. It makes absolutely no sense to me that It spikes over summer. AND 129.9 kw used this year; when we used the power less than last year at 92.28 kwh. There is a mistake but they will only say it's consistent with the prior year. No it's not. Now they want to take me to court. They might have to because I simply can't pay this bill and I don't want to either until someone can give me a logical explanation as to why it is so much higher. Makes no sense. Can anyone recommend a good electricity supply company. Thankyou. Lyn. 

0 Replies 21335 Views

And this seems the only way to contact them after hours. I strongly don't recommend AGL at all. 

0 Replies 20493 Views

The same as mine. 1 month got 400$

0 Replies 14055 Views


My name is Larry. I moved out of my rented unit last November 30. I informed AGL by phone. Now i got a bill which runs from November 2 to January 16. I only want a bill from November 2 to November 30. Pls rectify this problem and send me a bill only up to November 30.

Many thanks

Larry Ortega

1 Reply 11899 Views

Same here.... My last bill was accurate, the previous two were estimated and an actual which fixed that, fine. What I'm not fine with is why its lie $1000-1500 then on AVG. 


We've got power saving applicaneas, I've replaced all the oyster lights to led, I've replaced the water heater, I've got smart power points checking out everything else I can, and of the AVG 34kw/day we are apparently using, I can only find about 16kw of use and that's rounding up a lot. 


There is just noone who can help, I've paid two sparkles to come check and nothing .. noone can seem to work it out. 


Is it.possible our actual meter is busted? Is that even a thing? 

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 11877 Views

Hi MrDavo, Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about the situation. If you have a smart meter- You can view your half-hourly usage via AGL MY account and if the usage reflecting doesn't match with the actual usage at your residence we can engage with the electricity distributor to have your meter tested. 

Alternatively, if you have a basic meter- You can perform an isolation test where you turn on one appliance at a time and checking your electricity meter to see how much electricity usage each of the appliances is costing to run. You can also visit here to get more energy-saving tips.


Cheers, Deepesh