Gas bill is way to high

1 Reply 1756 Views

I received my first gas bill of (49 days) since I moved in only 3 weeks ago. I sent my gas meter to AGL as requested and they are no help, without any further investigation the customer service representative just kept repeating the same silly excuses over over again and would not provide me with relevant information for my to calculate and double check the bill with high cost. this can not be correct as i have paid gas bills in the past with much more people and a much bigger house and never has a gas bill been $270 for month! 

This needs to be investigated otherwise i will be escalating the issue to higher power?

It is only me who is living in this small apartment with no gas appliances except the gas stove and hot water. this is absolutely ridiculous and i refuse to pay this. 

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 1750 Views

Hi @LaraA , sorry to hear about that. To have this looked into, you'll need to get in touch with us directly as account-specific queries can't be handled through the community. It sounds like you may have already contacted customer service about this though? If you weren't satisfied with the results from there, I recommend your next step should be going through the Complaints page.