Download Bill PDF missing

3 Replies 764 Views

Tried to download my electricity bill as a pdf from the website and the option is missing.  The help says to go too the billing page but there is no "PDF" option available. Similarly the "download pdf" link on the billing email just goes to a general help page

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I have the exact same problem. I've been going round in circles trying to sort it out.

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I tried to download my pdf bill following the link in the email and it went to the AGL the website.  Other links to the pdf bill did not work either.

1 Reply 748 Views

Having the same issue, click on the View PDF and takes me to general page.  Advice is to log into your account and go to Billing and download the bill.  Problem is there is no download PDF option.  Why has this been changed in the first place?  What was a simple click on one button to download via your email service has now becoming complicated and time consuming involving logging into your AGL account and then finding the bill, downloading it.  Even if this option was working I am already busy enough in my life without all these extra steps!  Seriously AGL get you act together.  Stop messing with things that don't need to be messed with.  Make it how it was originally.  I elected to get my bills sent to my email address.  Whatever change you have made it is also affecting bill from two years ago, as if I open my previous bills it now takes me to the general page.  Given I have no bill can I not pay it until you resolve this as I have no document to write my receipt number on as proof of payment?

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It seems to have been fixed overnight..the download bill linkis now present and works