Changing energy provider to AGL, but with complicated questions where simple plan comparisons fail

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We are looking to change energy retailers but our situation makes comparing plans difficult.


A bit of background first.
We have recently purchased an EV and want to bring our energy costs down so we were looking at the AGL Night Saver EV Plan. The complications are we do not have a smart meter, have a flat rate and we are still on the QLD Solar Bonus Scheme (SBS).

Our current provider has said we would lose the Solar Bonus Scheme if we went to their EV plan with a change to a smart meter. Changing a meter to a smart meter is not one of the reasons Energex lists to lose the SBS, but they insist that this is what will happen.

My parents live in the next street over and they have a smart meter, have a flat rate and are still on the SBS, but that meter was replaced because it failed. The change was not initiated by them.


After all that, the questions!

1. Swapping to AGL and changing to a smart meter for the AGL Night Saver EV Plan, would we lose the SBS?
2. Would we still be on a flat rate or would Energex force the tariff to TOU/Demand?
3. Could these perceived problems above be avoided by swapping to AGL with our current meter to the AGL Value Saver plan and then changing to the AGL Night Saver EV Plan at a later date?


With the information I have on pricing with AGL, we stand to save a several hundred dollars a year or costing us many thousands extra. I need to gather more concrete information because if we make a change, we can't go back and it will put us in a financial hole.


AGL Moderator
1 Reply 4014 Views

Hi there,


Thank you for your message, we are more than happy to help out!


1. Swapping to AGL and changing to a smart meter for the AGL Night Saver EV Plan, would we lose the SBS? 

No you will not lose the SBS, whether you retain this or lose this is not up to the retailer, it is up to Energex and their rules regarding PFIT schemes, it sounds like you have already read up on this, however just in case, please find attached the link to the Energex website

2. Would we still be on a flat rate or would Energex force the tariff to TOU/Demand? 

The default network tariff that is applied to your premise after a smart meter is installed is the Residential Transitional Demand Tariff, you would not retain the flat rate.

3. Could these perceived problems above be avoided by swapping to AGL with our current meter to the AGL Value Saver plan and then changing to the AGL Night Saver EV Plan at a later date?

Absolutely, if you wish AGL to install your smart meter as your retailer, you can sign up with us on one of our headline offers, then opt to install a smart meter once the transfer to AGL is complete.


Hope this helps, please reach out if you have any further questions!


Kind regards,



0 Replies 4012 Views

Thanks Megan.

Yep that link and the QLD gov SBS website was what I was looking at when the other retailer told me we would lose it. I didn't have the energy to argue at the time.


So the actual meter change initiated by us would be the trigger to be swapped over to Residential Transitional Demand Tariff?

That is what I suspected, I knew it would be coming for us at some point. I figured that is why the parents are still on their flat rate with a smart meter, because it was a replacement.


Since we have a derp meter, I cant see the prices AGL has for the demand tariffs etc when I check our address. Do you have a link for that pricing?

