Bill smoothing payment way too high.

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My bill smoothing payment started at $300 a fortnight, but then we were accumulating an additional balance because the payment was too low. The bill smoothing payment then updated to $694 a fortnight which is crazy unaffordable.


i submitted a complaint, but the response was a copy of my statement of account sent to me. Not helpful at all.


My last three monthly bills were $598, $756, $725. I would like to have the bill smoothing payment set at $400 a fortnight which is more than enough to cover these amounts (and accumulate a little extra for summer and/or pay back any additional balance.


Bill smoothing payments clearly aren’t working if the automatic system more than doubles the payment at little notice. I’m not sure how we could be expected to afford that.




Account [removed personal details] my bill smoothing payment is $694 a fortnight which is way more than the average bill. I would like to have it reduced to $400 please.