App not working & bill not sent

1 Reply 15729 Views

My app hasn't worked since 4th December

I'm also on monthly billing. Haven't received anything since November. My bill is normally due to be auto deducted from my account but that hasn't happened since December 7th, for November bill.


Is this happening everywhere or just my app & bills?


Can I do a read my self & put that through?

Do I get discount if I do the read myself & save someone else doing it?

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 15724 Views

Hi jonesyGT,


Welcome to the AGL Community!


I've answered your questions below:

  1. We're aware that a number of our customers have unfortunately been having issues with our app, however the majority of these have been resolved. If you're still have issues, please reach out to our app team by using this form.
  2. We'll always send our customers their bill by either email or post as well as uploading this to the app, and any errors with the app will not affect our ability to send you your bill. Have you checked your emails to ensure that nothing has been overlooked or filtered into your spam folder incorrectly?
  3. You can enter your own meter reading using the app to keep up to date with your usage costs, however this will not provide you with any sort of reduction on your bill.

Kind regards,



1 Reply 15723 Views

Thanks Jayden.


I'll send a message about the app.


I haven't received any bills since what's listed above. 

I'm on monthly billing & it's auto deducted from my account. This didn't happen. I have actually "paid" roughly what my monthly bill is & my account is now sitting in credit. Could the payments have reverted back to quarterly?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 15722 Views

Hey jonesyGT,


This is a possibility for sure! Naturally I'm not in a position to give you a definite answer without taking a look at your account directly which we can't do through the Community I'm sorry to say.


If you'd like to address these concerns in more depth, I encourage you to get in touch with our web chat team here.





1 Reply 15685 Views

I have exactly the same issue. Have not been billed for two months and no usage data since early December. Guess that means it must be FREE !!

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 15684 Views

Unfortunately not Bill-McC!


These sorts of delays have the tendency to resolve themselves, but please send me a private message if you'd like me to follow up on this for you now.





0 Replies 15670 Views

Thanks. P.m'd you.