Payment confirmation

2 Replies 4058 Views

Once a payment is made could there be a screen that has confirmation and receipt information and needs to be exited from, rather than automatically reverting back to make a payment screen. To prevent accidental double payment.


Hi Toby,

With your intended Monthly billing, could I request that you automatically send a return emailed receipt. You have my email address because you send the bill to me by email. ………… Thank you ………… Rex Swensen

AGL Moderator
Status changed to: Delivered

Hi Toby,


We have recently added a payment confirmation (receipt) screen that comes up after a successful payment. This feature is available from versions 5.12.0 and up of the app.


The payment confirmation screen as you suggested will remain until you decide to close it. It also includes your payment summary, date and invoice number, as well as the option to Share via other apps available on your phone like SMS, email, Facebook, etc.


