Website Overloaded????

1 Reply 1944 Views

I am an existing AGL residential customer electricity and gas. I have logged into my account and want to change my plans but I can only get so far and then I cannot progress. I have also started a chat online but it is now over 30 minutes and all I have received is that there wait times are longer than expected. Are you being bombarded by customers trying to change their plans???

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 1925 Views

Hi @Crappy,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


We're sorry to hear you were unable to swap your plan online. We have been a lot busier than normal across all platforms and this could explain why you were unable to complete your plan swap at the time. Have you managed to complete the swap since, or do you require help with your plan swap?




0 Replies 1923 Views
I have managed to change it. Thank you for enquiring.

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