Can't see where to Message

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I am unable to see where to Message when logged into My Account on my laptop. I am using the latest MacBook Pro Safari.


Does AGL have an email address? They have incorrectly entered my address.

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To the AGL Team


I refer to your email dated 24 January 2022 regarding advising adjustments in our next electricity account to cover previous undercharging .


I have looked at our current bill (21 Dec 2021 to 20 Jan 2022) and previous bills (21 Nov to 20 Dec 21 and Oct21 to Nov21) and notice inconsistencies between the start and end readings between bills and incorrect differences between start and end readings on individual bills. Obviously the end readings on bills should be the same as the start reading on the subsequent bill. It seems to me that the readings on 21 Nov 2021 and on 20 Jan 2022 are probably correct. I notice there has already been an adjustment for the period 21 Nov 21 to 20 Dec 21 in our current bill. I would appreciate an explanation on how this has occurred, full details of adjustments and assurance that this problem has been rectified.


On another matter I understand customers with a Health Card are eligible for a discount on electricity and gas charges and I would like to take advantage of both of these. My Health card number is CRN 201 035 049B.


Sincerely, Sue Sharp