Add custom Notes to Daily Usage graph

3 Replies 3944 Views

Now that I can see daily usage within 24-48 hours, you've natively gamified the experience, so now I want MORE info. I'd love to be able to add tags or custom notes to individual days on the graph so I can specify on unusual days if it was a super hot day so aircon was used far more than normal, or on holiday (away) or at home with TV on more than usual (e.g sick), or working from home etc.

This would allow me to try to spot patterns in usage so I know which of these reasons might be acceptable or which days we could have done more to save energy.

This is as much about costs as about saving household energy in general.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Nice suggestion @Netty . It's great to see people are interested in more detailed usage monitoring to keep an eye on their energy usage!

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating
AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Not Right Now

The app and My Account teams have reviewed this suggestion and while they love the idea, they've decided we won't be able to prioritize a feature like this for the foreseeable future. Sorry to disappoint! However, the good news is we've added some improved usage insights in the latest version of the AGL app and we'll continue to develop our usage monitoring capabilities for those that love to stay up to date on the detail of their energy usage.