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bmx Semiconductor

Re: How can I find the readings.

Thanks for the link, however my question is about the proof for the validity of the claim and the review. If all there is, is just estimates for bills and no other evidence to back it up other than some made up algorithm, and just one or two actual readings over several years, then I am not sure it will be a fair review. Regardless I will contact first, but from what I can see I am looking at around $4-$7K of overcharge.
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bmx Semiconductor

Re: How can I find the readings.

Thanks Jayden! Not a straight answer. So basically, if we get overcharged for years there is no way to check that the estimated values matched the reality once a period has passed, and we have nothing to stand on? There is nothing confusing about the bill. Can you just let us know how we can dispute estimated bill/bills in the past two years? The "estimation" algorithm seems to have conveniently "over-estimated" the usage.
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bmx Semiconductor

How can I find the readings.

I recently noticed that our bill has gone up by 50% and then 80%, and then for about 2 years all bills were estimated. I have a suspicion that something fishy is going on with AGL.There are no reading values (estimated or actual) on the bills, so even if I ask for an actual reading now, all previously overpaid values cannot be verified and accounted for. How can we ask for the actual reading values for all my previous bills? If I don't get a straight answer, I will go straight to ACCC.
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