Solar-John's latest conversations

Solar-John Semiconductor
4 weeks ago

Victorian Government Emergency Backstop Program.

The following response from AGL was received following a complaint from me (via Solar Run Bendigo) that the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program introduced in October 2024 may be responsible for my new Solar Panel installation being remotely shut down resulting in no Solar Panel generated power being sent to my home or sold to the Electricity grid: QUOTE from AGL:I have received a response from powercor, "I have investigated into the solar at this site and I can see the customer is ex ...
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Solar-John Semiconductor
a month ago

Re: new state government emergency backstop that was introduced in October last year

Hello Lester, Thank you for the update, your information is very informative.In my case, the technical expert from Solar Run Bendigo (the company that installed my system) has indicated that as my home has a two phase electricity power supply, the problem may be because a single phase smart meter is installed.A photo of the smart meter and electricity Supply switch box was supplied to Solar Run Bendigo prior to signing up for the new Solar Panels. The Solar Run Bendigo salesman informed me that ...
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Solar-John Semiconductor

Re: new state government emergency backstop that was introduced in October last year

Thank you for your response.In Bendigo, Victoria, the software programming used for emergency backstopremote control of consumers' ability to sell Solar Power generated by theirhome roof Solar Panels is a total failure.In addition the Victorian Government emergency backstop program also stopsthe Solar Panels Inverter System from supplying power to the home and hasnot been reset to enable Solar Panel Power to be supplied to the home (theoriginal and main purpose of having Solar Panels installed). ...
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Solar-John Semiconductor

new state government emergency backstop that was introduced in October last year

On Friday 31st January at 12.30PM my Solar Panel Inverter System was shut down (I believe due to the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program) resulting in zero power being generated by my Solar Panels.Not only did this stop any of my Solar Panel power being sent to the grid (a credit of 3.3 cents per kwh) it also stopped any power from my Solar Panel Inverter system from supplying power to my home (costing me 21 cents per kwh off peak and 35 cents per kwh during peak times). Having outl ...
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