knhome's latest conversations

knhome Semiconductor

Re: Credit Card Surcharge for Internet being charged twice

Yes as I already said, I have spoken to your customer service agents andthey don’t see the issue. Telling me to call or live chat doesn’t changeanything. It’s already been done multiple times, they won’t do anythingabout it.
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knhome Semiconductor

Re: Credit Card Surcharge for Internet being charged twice

Hi, that’s not helpful at all, as I said I choose to pay with a credit card and I accept the allotted fee. I do not accept double charging f a fee and you are not legally allowed to do it. Additionally, as I said in my post, I have spoken about it your fellow AGL staff and they are not assisting or rectifying. A complaint is being filed. This thread is for fellow AGL customers, which is the purpose of this forum, is it not?
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knhome Semiconductor

Credit Card Surcharge for Internet being charged twice

Do you pay your internet bill with credit card? Does the surcharge you pay reflect on your bill? I have been paying the surcharge as expected but when I flagged it with AGL that my processed payments never reflect the total I paid including the surcharge, they said it was a mistake and future invoices would reflect it accurately. To be clear, my bill is for $69, and when I make the payment I get charged $69.12 by AGL). The new invoice still shows the past payment as $69, but now it says New Char ...
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