To show pending Energy credits / rebates in Account

1 Reply 66 Views

It’d be great if there’s a way to view all pending Energy credits or rebates in App. Credits (e.g. Peak Energy Rewards for those who participated) and rebates (e.g. AUS Gov Bill Relief given to consumers); pending to be included in upcoming bills can be easily viewed in App for easy tracking. By doing so, it provide full transparency for consumers and avoid any confusion.

Govt rebates of $300 given to consumers are divided into 4 quarters by AGL, unlike certain Energy providers who included the full rebate in one bill. With this transparency, consumers will be well informed as to the balance amount of rebate they are entitled to. 

1 Comment
AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Good Idea, Vote!

Hey @habbie, you bring up a good idea - i've changed this to vote so others in the community can jump in with their thoughts and I'll also chat to the team about this too! 


Thanks for sharing, 

