Solar meter reconfiguration - Expired paperwork?

1 Reply 3320 Views


I'm in the process of a solar smart meter reconfig for the solar feed in tariff, however I've been notified over email that my paperwork (Electronic works request, Certificate of electrical safety and EG agreement) has expired (forms are just over a year old). I've been told to resubmit updated forms.


Given that the system has all been certified, approved and running, with no alterations or new connections since, how would I go about submitting new EWR, CES and EG forms?

Would I have to contact the electrician for new forms?


Thanks in advance.


AGL Moderator
0 Replies 3318 Views

Hi JamesMolo12! 

Welcome to AGL Community. 


I'm not able to check this request for you through AGL Community, you'll need to speak with our connections team directly on 1800 680 430 and they'll be able to help you. 


Kind regards, 

