Regular Login getting rejected - solution

1 Reply 4970 Views

Likely a security update has blocked my regular Login via password or via the one time code. The process accepts my input displays the first splash page framework and then goes back to the Login page.

What fun.

Solution.. As long as the first logged in splash page pops into view (although just an outline) you are actually logged in.

So open another page using one of the TABS I use GET SUPPORT jump thru a few pages then click on  My Account and this displays correctly this time..

WAWOT - poor QA....

So hope this resolves your issue quickly..

AGL Community Manager
0 Replies 4959 Views

Thanks for sharing what worked for you @Lyric.


We're currently investigating a few different solutions for users that are having trouble logging in. Another thing that may work to solve login issues is to disable ad-blocking extensions on your browser on the AGL page. 


For anyone consistently having trouble logging in to AGL online services, I'd recommend you contact us.