"My Usage" CSV download file missing Solar feed-in data

5 Replies 4995 Views

Hi there. As a user, I'd find it really valuable to have solar feed-in data included in the downloadable "My Usage" CSV file. For each time period it has 2 lines - one for usage from the grid, and one for solar, but the solar value is always zero (which I know is wrong, given that the feed-in data does appear on the web portal).


Is this perhaps a rounding/scaling error, or is that data simply not being populated when the CSV file is created?


There is also no indication of what the units are for the usage - I'm assuming kWh but it would be useful to have that in the column header.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating
AGL Community Manager

Hi @vk5ztv ,


We're doing some investigation into how we share account info and usage data - If this is still an outstanding issue for you, could you please assist by sending me through a private message with your account details? Our team would like to look into this.


Hi David - I just downloaded the latest usage CSV file and solar data is now appearing as expected. I'm still assuming that the units of measurement are kWh? That seems to match up with the measured values.




AGL Community Manager

Hi Rodney,

That's correct. Great to hear it's working as intended now.

AGL Community Manager
Status changed to: Delivered