new state government emergency backstop that was introduced in October last year

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On Friday 31st January at 12.30PM my Solar Panel Inverter System was shut down (I believe due to the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program) resulting in zero power being generated by my Solar Panels.

Not only did this stop any of my Solar Panel power being sent to the grid (a credit of 3.3 cents per kwh) it also stopped any power from my Solar Panel Inverter system from supplying power to my home (costing me 21 cents per kwh off peak and 35 cents per kwh during peak times).  Having outlayed $12000.00 out of pocket to reduce my electricity bills, the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program (due to poor faulty programming) turned my home into a Solar free (home without any Solar Panels) home.

Solar Run Bendigo the company that installed my Solar Panel Inverter System were unable to provide any immediate assistance nor provide any advise on how to (or even that I should) reset my Sungrow 10kw Inverter.

Solar Run Bendigo did supply a clue that it may be due to the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program but no other advise or assistance in restoring Solar Panel Inverter System power being supplied to my home. 

Once I searched the internet and found step by step instructions on how to reset the Sungrow 10kw Inverter and performed these steps, Solar Panel Inverter power was restored and restarted suppling power to my home.

Unfortunately the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program is still preventing any solar Panel Inverter Power from being sent to the grid.

The money that was previously credited from selling power to the Electricity Grid covered my AGL daily service fee.

When will my Solar Panel Inverter be reset by the Victorian Government Emergency Backstop program and permit me to send 4kwh to the Electricity Grid? 

As I am a qualified TAFE Teacher and Radio and Electronics Technician I was able to research possible solutions and restore my Solar Panel Inverter System to almost full operation (apart from sending power to the grid which needs to be fixed by AGL or responsible party.