Add insult to injury

1 Reply 254 Views


Your reward system is an insult to our intelligence.

You increase our energy prices every chance you get.

You drop our solar rebates every chance you get

And you think we have spare money to go to the movies becuase you think we want a 25% discount.  Where am i going to find the extra 75% of the cost of movie prices for a family of 4?  Your executive team in your ivory tower making these decisions on their million dollar pay packets have no idea how you are killing every Australian household with your incessant greed.  How dare you insult us with these piss poor 'rewards' than only aim to 'reward' other companies but expecting us customer to spend money we dont have.

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 236 Views

Hi Supa, We're truly sorry to hear about your frustration and disappointment with our reward system.  It's clear from your message that our current rewards program and the discounts offered do not align with your expectations or financial situation. We apologize if our efforts to provide value through these initiatives have missed the mark and caused further frustration.

We assure you that your feedback will be shared for further review and consideration. Your insights are crucial for us to improve our offerings and ensure they better meet the needs of all our customers. Cheers, Deepesh