Unable to pay bill via app or website

5 Replies 3201 Views

Attempted to pay internet bill via debit card as usual, get an error claiming my details are incorrect, however they are the same details used for previous bills.
Tested on other bills, worked fine.

Attempted to change automatic payments, same issue.

Updated and reinstalled app, same issue.
Website, same issue.

Bpay is only option that i believe worked but now bill is overdue as it takes a few days to process.

Is this a site issue? as i have not had any issues with my card on any other website.

0 Replies 312 Views

Yep they still have not fixed this. It’s the only bill out of every one that has this repeat issue. 

0 Replies 223 Views

Mothn number 8 -  Another month has gone and the problem still exists, it's been a good 7 months now, maybe we should include Current Affairs ?!?

If you can't fix it at least give us the option to go and pay it at the post office, I'm tired of being on the phone typing my card number, listening to the machine, and making sure I don't pay you $70549 or god knows what 



Thank you


I will keep posting this every month