AGL App not updating Useage & Solar Feed In Data

2 Replies 6996 Views

Seems a lot of AGL customers have reported this same issue many times on the Community Forum.

I'm now experiencing the same problem with my last update received on 24 September and nothing to date (30 September).  Previously, the App was updating useage and feed-in data every 48 hours but it now seems to have stopped.

I messaged Support Team who advised me to clear the App Cache, un-install and re-install the AGL App to reboot the system.  I did this but still the tracking is not working.

Can anyone explain why this problem keeps recurring ?  Is it an issue within the AGL app itself which needs to be resolved by the AGL Technical Team ?

Thank you for any information you can share on the subject.

Cheers !


AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 6982 Views

Hi @Solar_Girl63 ,


There's a lot of different things that can cause your usage data to stop updating, so although it may look like the same issue is reported many times, it is often different issues with the same symptom, and need to be looked into separately for each account. 


Shoot me a private message with your account details (click my name and then "send a message") and I'll have someone look into it.

0 Replies 6978 Views

Thanks for your acknowledgement David_AGL.

Have sent you a private message with my details for further investigation.



0 Replies 721 Views

Hi David 

My app is not updating data for a week. I contacted a human through the virtual enquiry, this human at a call centre on the other side of the world said it’s a generalised problem all AGL customers are experiencing today & engineering dept are working around the clock to fix! Weird, I called my sister & a neighbour who both use AGLs app & theirs is working perfectly like normal usage & selling solar to the grid. These call centres do not represent AGL well they are not trained & do not want to help, paid to answer the phone & don’t give a dam about the customers. 
How do I speak to a local technical person to have this problem resolved please. Thank you