Force battery to send power to grid

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I have a Tesla Powerwall 2 and am I have joined VPP with AGL and my account is Electric Vehicle Plan.
My question is according to my bill the last time AGL VPP has drawn down from my battery was in July 22 and seeing that I still am receiving texts to reduce my usage to receive a credit, is there a way that I can force my battery to send power to the grid when I have excess storage and little usage?? 

Many thanks for any Info.

PS the reason I am asking is that we received a text a text on the 22 DEC 2022 asking to reduce usage and try exporting .38kWh or more to the grid, it was overcast during that hour and our battery was full and the house used up the rest so virtually nothing went to the grid. So is there a way I can force my battery to send to the grid?

AGL Employee
AGL Employee
1 Reply 10033 Views

Hi Eric, apologies for the delay in response to your question. From what I understand, you have signed up to two separate programs that AGL runs. The first is called Peak Energy Rewards which is a program which aims to reduce electricity demand during peak times and improve grid stability. Eligible participants are invited to voluntarily reduce their energy usage to decrease demand on the electricity grid and in return are rewarded with credits on their electricity bill. These are the texts you are receiving asking you to export 0.38kWh or more to the grid as you have a solar system. Targets can be set to either export or import from the grid. During these events we do not take control of your Powerwall. Your Powerwall will operate according to the settings you have selected for your battery ie self-consumption or Time of Use mode. The second program you are participating in is our Virtual Power Plant. This is where we can remotely discharge your battery for household consumption or to power the grid during certain events throughout the year. For more information on our VPP. On the question of if you can force discharge your Powerwall to the grid, there is currently no way this can be done but we will consider this for future development opportunities.  visit

Hope this helps! for VPP terms and conditions


1 Reply 10023 Views

Thanks for the reply and I guess we just have to wait until an update comes through for my app to be able to force feed into the grid.

AGL Employee
AGL Employee
0 Replies 10019 Views

If we add it as a feature to the VPP we'll let you know. Also in relation to question on Go Off Grid function, this is a testing function of the Gateway to test the off-grid function/back up function of the gateway.