No discount amount if paid by the due date

1 Reply 2815 Views

I recently got a relatively very high electricity bill that did not offer a discounted amount if paid by the due date and would just like to know why this was. Is it up to the discression of AGL to offer these discounts? Is there a threshold before the discount is no longer offered? Was there perhaps an error? And what can I do to ensure i am not missing out on this discount?

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 2806 Views

Hi @mick11235,


Welcome to AGL Neighbourhood!


It sounds like your plan that included Pay on Time discounts has finished and it has rolled over to a different plan. We are no longer offering Pay on Time discounts due to changes made by Energy Regulator. We are however offering a range of plans with discounted rates. You can view all our current plans here.  


I'll also send you a private message to grab some details from you so that I can check your account further.


Kind Regards,
