Zues' latest conversations

Zues Conductor

Re: Solar Panel Regrets

If your going to get panels, fill every inch of your roof with them and get as much battery storage as possibleI did mine in stages as I could afford it, 16kw panels first, then another 10kw of panels then 13kw of batteries, then another 13kw of bateriesHavent had a bill since 2020, through summer I export over 100kw per day back to the grid, you could charge a few cordless cars with that if your into that sort of thing
23 Replies 0 Likes
Zues Conductor

Re: Recommendations for AC solar batteries?

When you say musk, is that the dude with the cordless cars
6 Replies 0 Likes
Zues Conductor

Re: Recommendations for AC solar batteries?

I have 26 kw of ac coupled batteries from Sunterra and 26 kw of panelshad the system for three years now, have had over $5,000 in credit cheques from AGL Solar panels are useless without batteries
6 Replies 0 Likes
Zues Conductor

Re: Saver Centre: it all adds up

Don't worry about the cost of electricity, Albos going to reduce your bills by $275 remember
4 Replies 1 Like