New Smart Meter Readings Compared with Battery App

2 Replies 4808 Views

I've recently had a Smart Meter installed (Landis+Gyr E355) and I can't understand why the Import/Export information on my account is different from what's indicated on my battery app. I was hoping someone could help explain the difference in readings.


For example:

On 11Oct, my AGL account indicated that I Imported 9.90 kWh and Exported 23.20 kWh. While my battery app indicates only 13.5kWh of Export.

Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 12.28.46 pm.png



2 Replies 4794 Views

You have estimated reads, and these can vary so much.

They should / could change to actual reads fairly soon, when they will appear with a narrower bar in the graph, but you might need to get onto AGL and ask them to have their tech dept look at this.


I once had 25 days running of estimates, before the tech team fixed it.

Mine was a Atlas meter software issue, but your meter just might not be relaying the data properly to the energy supplier, who then sends it to AGL as the retailer for billing purposes.


I had a few days of estimates just a week or so ago corrected itself.

The app was showing estimated reads of imports of say 30kwh, when it was 12kwh or so, and exports or 10kwh when it was 50kwh.


Edit - And you probably didn't have any usage through the meter, as shown in the battery app, was going to say if you have a good size and well set up solar and battery, you will probably never have a bill.

0 Replies 4791 Views

Thanks for your reply Lester. I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can flag it with AGL techs.

1 Reply 4760 Views

pete, where is the meter installed

0 Replies 4739 Views

Hi,@kellamaree0677 , It's at the front of our house in our accessible driveway. Only about 6 or 7m from the street.

1 Reply 4685 Views

Apparently the DNO (Do Nothing Option) has worked for me and my usage has been updated on my account. After a few more days post-installation it now reflects my usage more accurately.


Screenshot 2024-10-23 at 9.56.26 am.png

0 Replies 4682 Views

Nice usage graph 🙂 🙂

Those small blips of usage are probably just little changeover packets, very minor.

Gotta love a battery and how it can beat bills, but a big upfront for a decent one.