High gas usage

2 Replies 4500 Views

So this is in relation,  to the fact I've been paying gas bills that are like $152 ,$146, $138 , per mth when normal it's like $40 per mth....as gas hot water,  and use cold water clothes wash a time, use cold water dishwasher,  and have mainly cold showers....sometimes hot water... but to be paying triple or over the per mth cost is out of this world for a single person... 

And that sometimes my credit amount on my gas account just vanish ,when im clearly so much in credit...

And the account is only in my.name and no one else is on the account or I don't have or are paying for someone else's gas account or usage...


As my credit with my account is there for a purpose and I'm very careful with my usage....


I believe that someone is using my identification and credentials to access my account or is fraudulently obtaining funds from my credit of my account... 


How can I prevent this ? And who do I ask for help on these matter's....

1 Reply 4499 Views

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 so for someone whom is trying to save... and only uses cold water in clothes washing every time.. 

Only uses cold water in dishwasher every time...  and mostly has cold water showers.... or very mild warm showers... and is single and only paying $40 per fortnight on gas... and someone  is using my identification or credentials to fraudulently obtained my credited amounts in ny account or is using my gas account to pay for there utilities.... 

Or that I have a gas leak  in which there is no gas leak snell.... so how can this be.... 

Since the scumbags next door moved in ive had mail stolen from my letter box  ive had bank cards stolen ive had electricity bills stolen and gas bills plus several other mail accounts and bills stolen and someone has been claiming on all of these aswell....

Police say change ur lock on letter box which ive done but still happens,  police told me to put up camera's which I did but have been damaged and had them ripped down and police have done nothing about it.... 

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 4492 Views

Hi @Wiredright, thank you for reaching out.

It sounds like we need to go through your bills, month-on-month, to investigate this issue for you.

You can reach out directly to us via online chat or over the phone, alternatively, I can send you a private message to confirm your identity and look into this for you.

All your options can be found here:


Kind regards,

AGL Moderator
0 Replies 4494 Views

Hi @Wiredright - I've reach out to you on the other post you made about this issue, please reply via private message with your details so I can look into this for you.

Kind regards,