V2H smart charging trial update?

3 Replies 16710 Views

We all know the chargers are almost here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-02-14/electric-vehicle-first-ev-chargers-v2g-v2h-to-arrive-...


But we haven't heard from an AGL representative on this forum for a long time.


@liam1where are you? @David_AGL can you perhaps give us an update on this AGL program?


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Anyone interested in an update should call AGL and ask to speak to "James" from the Energy Management team.


At least, that's what the helpful folks on the phone told me.


I've left a message for James to call me back, and will relay the information here for anyone interested (if I do get a call back that is, as you can see from this thread AGL doesn't appear too interested in engaging with us).



AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 11519 Views

Hey @Stephen2Aus , sorry to drop the ball on the communications here! Liam actually left AGL, and I'm working to get our new EVs expert back into this space and engaging again.

1 Reply 11521 Views

Thanks @David_AGL


While I'm generally happy with AGL, there are significantly cheaper retailers out there. I joined, and am staying with AGL primarily for the committment to EVs (especially the smart charger trial).


I look forward to it commencing soon, so I can stay a happy AGL customer.



AGL Community Manager
1 Reply 11489 Views

@Stephen2Aus - Pleased to report our new EVs champ @Andy_AGL  should be on board here once he's back from some time off, this Wednesday. 

In the meantime, it sounds like we're still working through a few tough compliance and technical issues on the V2G side for the trial. We know the delays are frustrating, so I'm sorry for that. Hopefully Andy can shed a bit more light shortly.

1 Reply 11437 Views

Thanks for the update @David_AGL . Looking forward to seeing headway on this v2h / v2g topic from AGL and / or jet chargers so I can get this function operational at my home.

Compatible bi-directional PHEV vehicle - check, 

50 Amp power supply to installation point in garage - check.

AGL Moderator
2 Replies 11424 Views

Hi @Stephen2Aus  and @MikeP, thanks for reaching out to us and it's great to see your interest in V2G/H!


We're just as excited as you are to get the ball rolling on bi-directional charging in our trial; unfortunately, as @David_AGL mentioned earlier, we have run into some complex tech and compliance issues which we are still working through. 


At this stage I can't add a lot more I'm afraid, but I'm hoping to have a more substantial update in the next month or two as we work through the kinks.


I'll be sure to post an update in this thread when we have more info that we can share 🙂

1 Reply 11413 Views

Hi Andy,


Thanks for the updates.


How do you register to be part of the trial so when you resolve the compliance issues you can contact people?


Also assuming you guys are aware that Jet charge and going to bring in the charging units and it all seems to be approved now?





0 Replies 11341 Views

Has anyone seen any progress with this Australian product?

Introducing the Highbury DC - Rectifier Technologies

AGL Moderator
1 Reply 11323 Views

Hi @Jmorley - unfortunately expressions of interest in the V2G trial have closed, we have a (very long) list of interested participants which were gathered last year.


Regarding units being approved; whilst they are approved for sale, they're not yet approved by the Clean Energy Council or distribution networks.


See this excerpt from the ABC article shared at the top of this post:

"The Clean Energy Council (CEC) maintains a database of smart inverters, which is used by distribution networks and other installers as a quick way to determine what's been certified as safe. 


But the CEC is still deliberating over how to classify the charger and hasn't yet added it to the database, Mr Washington said.


JET Charge has decided to sell the charger without CEC approval.


A CEC spokesperson confirmed CEC approval was not required for the chargers to be sold in Australia, but added that customers should check with their distribution network before having one installed."


After these approvals there is still a lot of technical development & testing effort required on our end before we're comfortable putting them in customers homes.


I can't speak for Jet Charge personally, but they do have an enquiry form for registering interest in V2G chargers on their website if you're curious about their progress & availability.

@MikeP - we've not seen any progress on the Highbury charger either. Looking at their half-yearly report it says they're planning a bench demonstration of the tech by the end of 2022, so I think it is probably a fair way off being commercially available.