App / Website not showing daily electricity usage

3 Replies 23310 Views

App / Website not showing my daily electricity usage, called AGL and they told me to log out and log back in and it still doesn't appear. 

Please note, this daily usage was appearing on my app / website for my quarter. However, I have recently told AGL that I have solar so perhaps this crashed something on the back end of the system, not sure.


0 Replies 6655 Views
Oh sorry. My missed it.

Kind regards,
Craig Fleming
1 Reply 6618 Views

Same here, ever since solar system got installed mid March, everything is estimated, tried the chat feature in the app, led to no answers, restarted the solar system, haven't tried restarting meter yet, I'll update if that works. 

1 Reply 6616 Views
Hi there,

Have you checked to see if your internet connection is working? If only recently installed ring your supplier for support!

Kind regards,
Craig Fleming
1 Reply 6613 Views

Hi there 


I'm not sure what you are referring to, internet for the agl app? It would not load the app at all without internet, the problem is that Feed In and Bought of the grid amounts have been estimated ever since the system was installed, don't see how that's the installer problem, if you could elaborate a bit more it would be appreciated, thanks. 

1 Reply 6610 Views
I am referring to the Internet AGL app. The internet is working fine, it
loads other projects as well as this email app. I can log into the app
just fine but it is lagging days behind. I tried logging out and back in as
suggested by other users. If it is only estimating then what good is the
app. I am on solar and I have a smart meter. The Power company can see my
daily input and output electricity usage, then why can't they have an app
that passes that information onto me like other Power Companies.
0 Replies 6607 Views

I'm on the same boat Peter, even the last months bill has estimated FIT and Usage, I've had the same issue some years ago at a different property, it took months to eventually get sorted, as you said, internet is not the issue here, I can load the agl app fine just the FIT and usage are estimated 

0 Replies 6449 Views

Similar problem. App not updating since 29 June. Web not updating since 29 June. Bill cycle ended 9 July but no bill yet. Account was in credit but is now frozen. Been told it’s so AGL can make sure correct pricing is applied. Can’t get any more information and sick of trying to get it sorted out. If not fixed soon I will moving to another supplier. Been with AGL for over 30 years and this has turned into a nightmare.