I have closed my gas account and have a $70 credit balance on it. I've received an email and a text from AGL asking me to contact them to process the refund. I spent 30 mins waiting for someone to ta...
Good Evening, I would like to know if their is a regulation that requires AGL to send back a cheque every year. I am only asking this question as I do not wish for any refund ...
I am getting real concerned now. Seeing my next meter reading is due with in 10 days from the time its told me my meter will be changed over . what happens at the time it is done. aparently after you...
I Paid the pro-rated Opt out charge of $918 out of the $1000 Discount in October well before the due date of 10th November. And everything was sweet, my Tesla App updated accordingly etc. S...
I just upgraded to a Smart Meter and usage results are now starting to populate. The controlled Load Meter was also replaced. I can see a very high drain on consumption from 1am - 2am. This can on...
Hello, The gas pressure at my home is having some issues. The kitchen stove gas pressure and the hot water system gas pressure is weak so we are not getting hot water. This has been happening for 1 ...
My partner and I moved into our current apartment in October 2021 and have paid 6 gas bills (6 quarters = 6 bills). We have recently received a gas bill of $800 - which is insanely high and indicatin...
Hi Team, I am writing to seek assistance in understanding the gas meter reading and billing process. We have been recording our gas meter reading every day, and I would like clarification on h...
Hi has the feed in tariff changed for some Customers in N.S.W ? IE: 1st 14KW no longer 10cents per KW ? August everything was as should be now app showing less in returns or am i missing something. ...